
Showing posts from November, 2020

Risk vs Reward: Reflections on Pandemic Travel

  RISK VS REWARD: REFLECTIONS ON PANDEMIC TRAVEL Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger Reward: a satisfying return on an investment Yes...we packed a half million masks for each trip to help mitigate the risks! We were fortunate and blessed to have spent the past 5 months traveling (mostly in our state) during this pandemic time.  We spent 17 nights in hotels, visited in 12 cities, and were away from our home for 25 days.  We took 8 trips, and did not have to cancel any of them that we had previously booked. It is a very very scary time in 2020.  As I type this blog the COVID numbers in the US, as well as all over the world are increasing at a rapid rate. Almost  49 million cases, over 1.2  million deaths around the globe.  Yesterday over 100,000 new cases in the United States. This is real.  It is not something to be cavalier about.  And we are not. However, we chose to  travel in a very safe way. We were not reckless about how we vacationed.  We spent a lot of our travel tim

3 Days in Lake Placid

                                                   3 Days in Lake Placid   This trip was a bit bumpy prior to leaving.  We were originally booked to go to Burlington, VT. About a month before arrival we were called by our hotel that they had to cancel us because our hotel was closing and turning into apartments!  We decided to just choose a new hotel.  Then, about 2 weeks before we were scheduled to leave we found out that our city had been very naughty (starting with our local college), and we were now a "Red County" for Vermont travel.  We were thinking of waiting to see if Cortland could start behaving...but decided that wasn't going to happen.  So...we changed our hotel to Lake Placid, and started researching things to do there for 3 days instead.  We did consider the fact that we would be entering Lake Placid from a red county.  We weighed our behaviors, and decided that we do wear masks, social distance, wash our hands,  and stay out of crowds.  It was the correct d