
Showing posts from December, 2020


                                                            I. AM. GRATEFUL. (If you are looking for a travel blog, please scroll on to the next blog!) As 2020 finally comes to an end, I decided to look back to reflect on the year.  Basically...2020 was a complete and utter shitshow for me, and everyone else in the world.  So I feel like I am in the good company of billions of people hoping and praying that 2021 restores our faith in humanity.  Yup, as you can see in the photo...I had a bit of a tumble.  We were out walking and I moved over close to the chain link fence so that I could social distance from someone approaching.  Unfortunately, as I continued on at my regular speed I snagged my shoelace in the link sticking out at the bottom and went smack down on my face onto the sidewalk.  Yeah...mostly I felt really stupid.  BUT... Nothing was broken on my face or anywhere else I did not have a concussion I did not chip or break any teeth I have very little scarring...and what is ther