I. AM. GRATEFUL.

(If you are looking for a travel blog, please scroll on to the next blog!)

As 2020 finally comes to an end, I decided to look back to reflect on the year.  Basically...2020 was a complete and utter shitshow for me, and everyone else in the world.  So I feel like I am in the good company of billions of people hoping and praying that 2021 restores our faith in humanity. 

Yup, as you can see in the photo...I had a bit of a tumble.  We were out walking and I moved over close to the chain link fence so that I could social distance from someone approaching.  Unfortunately, as I continued on at my regular speed I snagged my shoelace in the link sticking out at the bottom and went smack down on my face onto the sidewalk.  Yeah...mostly I felt really stupid.  BUT...

  • Nothing was broken on my face or anywhere else
  • I did not have a concussion
  • I did not chip or break any teeth
  • I have very little scarring...and what is there will likely go away eventually
  • I was able to walk home from the Waterworks...about a 15 minute walk
  • People stopped to help.  They stayed even when I told them I was fine
  • I did not have to seek any medical support
  • When I told them, the Water Department  fixed the fence within about an hour
  • I went on a vacation the next day
So...given that framework I started assessing the year 2020, good parts as well as really crappy parts.  There was a good amount of both.  BUT...I decided to focus on the good and see what I could come up with.

  1. Today is Day 273 since life closed down.  273 days of basically hanging out with my person...Al.  Although we have been married 39 years, this year of being together 273 days has tested how we can survive quarantine, with just each other to rely on.  We made it!!! Al allowed "most" of my hair brained schemes (wouldn't it be a great idea to drive to Syracuse this morning to walk at Green Lakes??  Let's go look at the lights at the college honoring the graduates at 10PM!!)  I can not think of one person that I know that could have handled me.  He did...I am so grateful, and appreciate him more than he knows! 
  2. Our family has mostly maintained  health.
  3. We have been able to go on 8 mini trips since March, all in a safe way (rest of the blogs!)
  4. We are blessed financially, and we were so happy to support places that were special to us.  We supported 2 theater groups, millions of restaurants, food pantries, and the communities that we visited on our journeys.  
  5. We joined a Facebook Group to support restaurants and had a lot of fun posting pictures and giving shout outs to restaurants. I like the marketing field, and it has given me a purpose.  Since November we have started to do that again, as restaurants are sadly losing business as indoor dining is closing.  I am learning to become a Visual Storyteller!!
  6. We walked most days for exercise, something to do, and having fresh air.  We have been able to explore a lot of parks and hiking areas near our house that we never made time to do in the past.
  7. Thankfully we are retired.  We realize that simple fact is what made this all doable.  
  8. I've had time to play with taking pictures.  I'm not good yet...but I am getting better. Most walks we went on involved taking pictures.  Al has even gotten in on it too!!!
  9. I'm taking a German Class.  Like when I learned French, I am much better at reading it than anything else, but it is fun and I am making progress.
  10. I read a lot, and have found some new authors.  Our public library is awesome!!
  11. I've been back to school subbing a few times to see those great kids and teacher friends!
  12. Amazon...because really, haven't we all????
  13. Alcohol.  'Nuff said...got us through a lot!
"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone." Joni Mitchell
So many things that I am grateful for.  Certainly life has not been all roses this year...on the contrary.  Lest you think we have lived in a bubble...we have not.  Crappy stuff has happened too:
  1. Although Al and I and the kids are all good, close family and neighbors have been stricken with COVID.
  2. We lost all of our 3 jobs back in March
  3. We cancelled 3 trips...moved them to 2021, then one of the tour operators went out of business.  We are currently attempting to recover that money.
  4. Al's back is sometimes acting up again.
  5. I tweaked my knee playing on the playground with Z.  That was in October, and it still is keeping me from crouching down.  Doing exercises, and trying to be able to get on the floor with Z again.
  6. We are eating and drinking too much...and don't see an end in sight!!
So...when I do the math (which I LOVE to do)...positives do outweigh negatives.  There is absolutely no question that 2020 and the 300,000 US deaths this year from a virus that should (and could)  have been contained back in March is almost more than anyone can bear.  Certainly, we all spend time thinking about all of those people and their families. Tragic, and unnecessary.


I have survived all of the days so far...good and bad.  I am working every single day to look for those simple positive things that we can be excited about...walking on a new street, seeing people while out on our walks so we can talk to them (socially distanced of course), thinking of businesses that are making MORE money than they did prepandemic, watching businesses that have reinvented themselves in a positive way, seeing the innocent smile on our 3 year old grandson's face.  We are working on noticing kindness that truly happens all around us every single day!

What are you grateful for?  Have you focused on all of those good things that are happening all around you? Have you learned anything new, taken on any new projects? 

Happy holidays to all!! May 2021 show us many blessings!


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